welcome back

welcome back

very quick post to say big welcome back to my cousin and her family from New Zealand. They are only staying for a little while but it will be good to see them in a…

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how about this for cute

how about this for cute

would you look at this, my two little best buds, partners in crime. I was busying myself hanging up washing, looking after the baby, making the beds etc. When i walked past the bathroom to…

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is it possible….

is it possible….

We all went off to our friend’s house for dinner after church on sunday and had a wonderful afternoon chatting while the kids played or squabbled…..while the rain fell outside. We got to taking some…

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my tired face……

my tired face……

why oh why is it after dragging myself through the day….sometimes in what seems like a very lifeless fashion do i find myself sitting here at nearly half past ten surfing mindlessly through scrapbooking websites,…

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