Getting Sporty: Old School stylie. #motivationalmonday #MWActive

Taking part this week in the Mark Warner Get families active campaign, you can read about it by following the link. But basically it is about being active..i know..but surprise there. 😉

This week it is all about getting sporty. Made me think of sports day when we were at school, the sack race, egg and spoon, wheelbarrow races. My favourite, the three legged race!! We are coming into the term when many schools are running there sports days but in school nowadays it has changed beyond all recongition. The schools choose the more inclusive ‘afternoon of non-competitive activity’ which involves the kids in the school being divided up into teams of about eight kids, from all different year groups and they then rotate around a variety of different activities.

There are the running races but they are team relay races so that no one child is put forward to win or lose. Im not really sure what my opinion on it is to be honest. I think its great for kids who are maybe not naturally sporty and can feel like they are part of a team…Also one of the sweetest things for me is that as the groups are made up of all the year groups, you get to see the whole of the school community working together. The savvy year 6’s helping and encouraging the nervous reception kids and making sure they are doing their part for their team…but on the other hand it gives no opportunity for any kids to shine on their own. Which surely if any of them will go into any sort of sport – that will have to happen. I dont’ know.

Although thankfully the parents race is now a thing of the past, in our school at least! No more stocking clad women hurtling down a playing field, elbows and fists at the ready, determined to make little johnny proud. Im not sorry at all that we have come into parenting after that had died a death at the hands of the craziness that is health and safety.

But…old style school sports games are still great for having a giggle, getting outside and burning off some energy. We did our own in the local park with some friends and the wheelbarrow race had them collapsing in fits of laughter at the lunacy of trying to make someone run fast on their hands.

Sometimes old school is just the best.

This weeks giveaway is a fabulous Ladies NIKE dri-fit ladies running shirt. Wonderful for helping you get the best out of your work out! If you fancy it,enter the competition on the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Last weeks winner of the box of LUSH goodies was KD Robertson. Please get in touch to claim your prize!   Motivational Monday Spring Carnival themondayclub  photo ActiveFamily150x150_zps28e829a4.jpg

Mum Of One