Where have you been?!

Again..MIA. A poor effort BUT this week I was totally snowed under putting together a presentation for my first ever Mum’s photography course which i ran on Saturday. I put together a 90 slide presentation explaining some of the basics of photography.

It was, i think, a real success. My desire behind the course came from my own learning curve. I wanted to provide and environment where mums, who lets face it are more than likely the main photographer in the family, can come and learn the basics, get to know their camera, have a lovely lunch and get a gorgeous gift. In short have an enjoyable couple of hours AND get to learn something new. Something I would have LOVED to have done when i got started. I mostly spent hours watching youtube videos, reading blogs and books.

Its easy to get a bit lost in being a mum and not have any time for ourselves..even if this is sort of for the kids a bit…I am really convinced that we, as mums, need to have time to do something that is just for us, have another string to your bow. So easy to forget that we were once a person with an identity other than ‘mUUUUUmmmy!”

My favourite bit of the whole afternoon apart from giving out the lovely gift bags i had done for everyone (i love giving gifts!!) was seeing those lightbulb moments when something little bit of info drops into place.

Was kind of my favourite bit of last week. 🙂

This movie started off my slideshow. Have a look if you fancy..


Im linking up today with my buddy Sarah Miles over at her fabulous blog Hello Wall. Go check it out by clicking on the wee box below.



