The day pink died #motivational monday #springcarnival

One of my favourite books when i was growing up was The Lorax, used to love the line ‘I am the Lorax and i speak for the trees’ It was one of those books that i can still remember reading as a kid. Recently the kids got the DVD version of the film that came out last year. They totally love it., it has big numbers in it and some big hollywood names voicing the characters. But what i love is that the message is still the same. Unless. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, its not – Dr. Seuss.

Now speaking of trees….As we live in a city sometimes trees can be a bit scarce. Well to be fair this city in itself isnt too bad. There are quite a lot of green areas. But in our own back yard its a bit different.

We don’t have a huge garden, when we moved in it had been fairly well landscaped with a family in mind and the only tree in the garden was a small, shocked, apple tree that had been hacked and trimmed within an inch of its life and its pretty much still trying to recover.

But the house that backed onto our neighbour was owned by an elderly lady and it had two beautiful, rambling and stunning pink blossom trees. Im sure there is a proper name for them but all i know that every spring we would all look forward to the bottom of the garden being accented with pink. The branches leaned over into our garden in such a generous way. Like the tree knew i would appreciate it. 🙂

I cannot count how many pictures i have of this tree. It was so pretty i used to go out and photograph it a lot….playing with settings, lenses and filters.

The girls would bounce up and down on the trampoline which was under the tree and grab the blooms, giggling and threading the pretty green leaves through their hair.

At the end of spring it would slowly loose all its blooms onto the tramp and the deck and we would have a pretty pink blanket.

Truly such a lovely tree, it bought us pleasure every year. We watched it, enjoyed it, interacted with it. It was part of our seasons.

Sadly the lady who lived in the house passed away and the house was sold and a few weeks ago we heard that high pitched squeal of a chainsaw and our beautiful neighbour tree was gone. 🙁

Just like that…

and being honest with you, and i do understand the reasons why the new owners have got rid of the tree, but i really miss it. Now its like looking at a picture and constantly wondering whats missing and then going ”oh yes…”

Even the kids have missed it. We miss our adopted pink tree. It had been largely uncared for by its owner but for years we loved it. It was part of our story and history in our garden.

thanks pink tree 🙂

Im going to finish with a clip from the movie, we all love this song. Watch out for  ‘you greedy dirtbag!’ My giveaway this week is a copy of  The Lorax on DVD. It really is a lovely family movie. So to be in with a chance head over to rafflecopter below and follow the instructions and be sure to check back next week to find out if its coming your way!!

Last weeks winner of the Captain Calamari developmental toy was Helen Dickenson Anette! Congratulations. Please get in touch to claim your prize 🙂



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Motivational Monday
Spring Carnival



excuse me but is that sterile? #motivational monday

A little while ago a friend of mine posted a question on facebook asking for some advice on how long you should sterilise baby bottles and feeding equipment. She had numerous responses, those sort of questions do on facebook don’t they? I thought id ask the lovely parent bloggers on twitter what they would all do or had done and they all said about 12 months or until the baby could move around and pick stuff up.

My response went down with a little bit of a shock for some people. See, after our first baby we didn’t sterilise anything. AT ALL.

My babies have all been breastfed but we have always given bottles as well, usually of expressed milk or formula. Generally once a day in order to give me a bit of rest. My OH would do the late evening feed with a bottle and then mama would be getting a little bit extra kip and do the night time feeds, which (chipping into baby nurse mode)  is always one of the best feeds to stick with as your hormone levels are higher at this time of day (which..ahem is sort of unfair if you ask me).

But thats digressing..

….so we usually would only have one or two bottles a day and the hand breast pump to use daily.

At the end of the day all of the things were washed in hot soapy water with a bottle brush and then put in the dishwasher…and thats what we did…with every single baby.

Now I realise that, that might sound radical and scary to some who are worried about bacteria, infections, high temps BUT we didnt make the decision to do this based on entirely no thought.

If you have been here before you may know that I have been a staff nurse on a large Neonatal unit for a number of years (thats sick and premature babies) and for our pre-term babies who aren’t old enough to suckle we ask their mama’s to express milk for them, which is stored and given to them as they need it.

We dont sterilise the expressing sets we give to the mums. They are taught good hand washing and how to wash the sets effectively with detergent. But that is all. This process has always been sanctioned by a micro-biologist (just in case you wanted to know!). Also I donated expressed milk to our local milk bank ( just call me Daisy) and they also did not recommend sterilising. Again just hot soapy water and a thorough clean.That milk is obviously pasteurised before it is used but it is screened for bugs before that process.

This reason and also a conversation i had with a friend who is a phd in microbiology who said something along the lines of ‘it is totally laughable that ten minutes in a steamer can be deemed as sterilised!’ made me re-evaluate why we were actually sterilising our stuff.

So we stopped and got a little bit of time back, which is really important in our house and we have had 5 very healthy, thriving babies. Four of which have never had anything that has been sterilised.

Thats my theory, i wouldn’t have said it was that radical, i think the response i got on facebook seemed to suggest that it was maybe a little. Im not saying that we shouldn’t recommend that parents sterilise for young babies but its important to realise that a steriliser doesn’t actually ‘clean’ a bottle!

Funnily enough though a friend of mine who has moved to Australia chipped to the little conversation on fb saying that there they don’t recommend sterilising either. So it would seem that im not altogether alone…


What do you think? what did you do? What will you do?

and just because here is a seriously cute little babba…



This week as its a baby theme I am doing a giveaway of one of these fabulous Lamaze developmental play toys. We had one of these for my last baby and she loved it. So if you would like to win one of these cute little toys for your little one, please fill in the rafflecopter and away you go!

the winner of the fabulous Cakedays book by the Hummingbird bakery is Gemma from Helloitsgemma. Congratulations! Give me a shout!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Motivational Monday


Oh its a jolly holiday…

The winter makes me wish for a holiday. Especially this month. February is a difficult month i think as the weather seems to never know what to do. We have had warm, sunny days when the daffodils are out and acting all spring like and then its baltic freezing winds that cut through you like a knife. I can just do without it.

So i start thinking holidays….hmmmm…warm…sunshine, flip flops, vest tops and that lingering smell of suncream.

This time of year we start talking about our holiday plans..holidaying with 5 kids isnt exactly easy or cheap but its nice to get away and try and have a break..(although break isnt always how it feels!). For me, its a balancing act. We need to keep it within a reasonable budget but sitting on a beach in summer wearing your jumper and a rain mac is not my idea of a summer break. Which largely rules out this country. I know that the kids don’t need the heat though, they just dont feel the cold in the same way. But then they aren’t spending two hours paddling, ankle deep in an outdoor pool with a swift breeze blowing round your swimming costumed self.

Opt for outside this country and you are looking a LONG drive or flying and that just bumps up your price. Oh yeah you can fly on those super cheap fares but we ALL know that they never stay super cheap. Adding taxes for standing in the airport, food on the plane even going to the loo on the plane. It all gets pretty steep!!

So what do you do and where do you go? What has worked well for you and your family in the past or where are you planning this year?


This week I am lucky enough to have another LUSH cosmetics giveaway.

The winner of last weeks treat box from the lovely LUSH is: Anna Emslie. Congratulations! Please get in touch!

So this week it is another box of their shiny, happy goodness could be winging its way to you, maybe as a little mother’s day gift or just a treat. Just fill in the rafflecopter below!. Thanks so much and don’t forget to check out the lovely ladies I am linking up with this week!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Motivational Monday

one week


Going back for seconds #motivationalmonday

I wrote this post a while back and i thought i would share it here..Not sure if it quite fits into motivational monday but i know quite a few ladies who are facing or have recently faced the big springboard jump into mummy to more than one. So i thought this might just be suited to a day devoted to keeping on…so here it is:

Going back for seconds . . . 


So this is you proudly cutting your 1-year-old baby’s birthday cake, smiling with contentment and happiness. Look what you did; just check it out for a moment. You’ve navigated pregnancy, child birth, newborns, no sleep, baby sick, weaning, crawling,house proofing and many other milestone achievements and you may be starting to feel “ah yes…I can do this, it hasn’t killed me, I haven’t broken the baby they handed me at delivery and we all survived!”


Then what happens?
tick tick tick …… . . you start thinking about another. Was it that moment when you held your friend’s newborn baby and suddenly your womb ached for another tiny miracle or was it that evening when mummy and daddy had their first night out without little one, drank some vino and found themselves looking, misty eyed across the table at each other and suddenly think: “hey, I remember you”.


And…boom…or maybe bang is more appropriate! Two blue lines and you are suddenly a family of 4.


My daughter was born a month before my son’s second birthday and I have to admit as a first time mum I had felt fairly prepared. I was just into my thirties at the time and was and still am a Neonatal Nurse so I wasn’t scared of handling babies and in all honestly I guess it came to me fairly easily. So thinking and planning another baby wasn’t a difficult decision. We knew we didn’t want an only child and so it made sense to just get on with it so to speak.


I hadn’t anticipated finding another baby that much of a challenge. I mean, I knew that managing two was going to be a lot harder physically than one but I hadn’t given any thought to any other aspects of the adjustment we would have to make as a family.


because it is an adjustment, no matter how many times people say ‘oh another baby will just have to fit in.’ Ever heard those words?  Lies.


My delivery with my daughter was very different to my son. It was FAST. She was born 40 minutes after I walked into the delivery room and with no time for any pain relief (which I had for my son). I remember afterwards thinking “wow don’t remember it hurting like that!” I was actually surprised to find myself worrying about my son all the way through my delivery and actually just wanting to get home and be with him.
I remember actually getting really upset about it even though my son was in no way upset by me leaving the house. We actually didnt leave until he was in bed and then my OH was back before he woke! Hey’s your sister! 🙂


It was just me, I missed him, I think I missed our connection and that was something, that at the time, I didn’t know I would ultimately have to let go of in some ways.


Initially we just got on with it and although there was the very scary first time out with just me and the two little kids. I managed okay I think. It wasn’t until my daughter was about 6 weeks old that it finally hit me.


I actually didn’t know what I was doing.


I was emotionally all at sea, floundering in a world I thought I had hold of. I was doing the mechanical job of being a mother but internally I was struggling with the reality that was slowly dawning on me. I could no longer be the mummy I had been to my toddler when it had just been him. No i couldn’t play trains or read a book whenever he felt like it. Oops just watch the baby when you climb onto mummy’s know the drill.
And of course on the other hand I most definitely couldn’t be the indulgent ‘sit and cuddle’ first time mum to my newborn.


Emotionally I was starting to fall too bits. It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough love for these two little people, I just had to re-define this most precious of relationship that I had and would have with my children.


It took me a while but what I discovered (and still continue to do so) is that it’s a bit like when you have your first baby, you become a mother and you have to leave behind the independent single that you were. It’s a bit of a shock at first and you might lament its passing now and again but now you wouldn’t have it any other way.


When you have your second baby you have to, in some ways,leave behind the ‘mum to a singleton’ that you were. Not completely of course but you have to let go of that exclusivity and accept a new status quo.


Your kids have to share you and that fact comes with its limitations on you as well as them.


Things, for me, anyway did actually have to change. I tried for a while to convince myself that I could do both. I set about being the ‘I must not let my toddler feel pushed out’ mother and ended up running myself into the floor, dragging my tiny daughter to all the tumble tots, sing-a-along sessions I could fit in. Then by night or whenever my son was not around I would hold my little girl and weep over how much of the time she was in her car seat and largely being ignored. I found myself “hmmm”ing at the health visitor’s “does she enjoy tummy time?”and “is she following with her eyes”when there were points when my honest answer would have “I have no idea.”


But it is what it is, being a mum to more than one means there will always be the eternal struggle to divide yourself up into equal chunks for everybody. It just isn’t always possible; to be honest it’s hardly ever completely possible. The trick is how to deal with it and not let the guilt swallow you whole. In all honesty the more kids there are the person that looses the most on chunks of time is mummy, so be kind to yourself.  I always have said, and i realise that this might sound a bit dramatic but i believe you have to grieve the indulgent ‘just the two of us’ relationship you had and grief is a process so give yourself time.


Once I allowed myself to be a ‘mummy of two’ rather than a ‘mummy to one with a newborn in tow’ it got a lot easier.


We both knew that having another baby was a great thing for my son.He might not think that but..Really, I promise it is if you are in a place of wondering about it right now. Your child might not agree with you initially but you are giving your child an amazing gift of being and having a sibling. Your sweet second born will never know any different and yes they might exhibit some attention seeking behaviour when they get older because they have been born needing to compete for mummy time but then any of us who are the younger sibling would probably say with certainty that we got off a bit lighter than our eldest brother or sister because we weren’t the first to test those boundaries. I reckon it all balances out eventually.


As for your beloved first-born they will not only benefit from a sibling to learn important lessons like ‘how to share’ ‘how to work together’ but they WILL benefit from loosing a bit of that limelight because that glare can be a bit too much for anyone to cope with all the time. 🙂


Now I clearly overcame this fairly well as I now have 5 children and the insane idea that I could be an all attentive, no distraction mum is about as far fetched as a soap opera story line. But my kids carry each other and work together, fight, squabble, work it out and then squabble some more.Its teaching them about family, messy, chaotic but so very necessary.


Just yesterday i watched from afar as my youngest daughter went and sat in her elder brother’s lap. He popped his arm round her waist and she patted his knee. Thats a heart melting family moment when regardless of how annoying she is to him (which is quite a lot these days). They are still knit together by those bonds of sibling-hood.


That fact alone has got to make the  journey from mum of one to mum of more was so very worth it.
just like to point out that these two lovely girls are not my own kids but an image from a shoot i did last year of two very cute siblings.  🙂
My little giveaway this week is a ingenious tool for photographers…and not just pro’s. Its called a white balance lens cap and you pop it on the front of your camera and your camera can set the correct white balance from it for whatever light situations you are in. Its a great little tool!! this is it below. So if you are interested just fill in the rafflecopter details below.
Motivational Monday

a Rafflecopter giveaway


this new year…


The start of a new year. All of us fall into the habit of thinking how we can change things. Its a universal thought (it would seem). I always do it. Though I am not really that great, in recent years, at making resolutions at all. The inevitable disappointment that comes with not living up to the expectations and demands you have on yourself.

This year a blogger friend mentioned to me that she would be, being involved in a little motivational linky thing and would i like to be part of it. I realised that actually I might like to. Dip a toe into the pool and see if in actual fact the water is warm.


You know what, years ago when i used to be a lot more involved in the scrapbooking world (yes..really) there was a trend to choose a word at the start of the year. A word that meant something to you and what you wanted from the year, a word that maybe inspires you, lifts you an anchor to hang onto or just simply makes sense to where you are, what you are at this year.

So got me thinking…what would be my word. The end of last year was pretty stressful so i was lingering over whether or not to have ‘relax’ or ‘sleep’ even! But instead i have gone with…



  1. Regard as probable; expect or predict.
  2. Guess or be aware of (what will happen) and take action in order to be prepared.
Why that is my word can and what it means to me i will explain another time…and i might even learn myself what it means to me as i do. I just felt that this word is my word this year and that is where i am hanging my hat.

What about you?

Motivational Monday

