is it possible….

We all went off to our friend’s house for dinner after church on sunday and had a wonderful afternoon chatting while the kids played or squabbled…..while the rain fell outside.

We got to taking some photos of the kids and little Anya who is not quite two, darted to the back of the camera once her daddy had taken a picture. It made me realise that the kids are never going to know a time when you couldnt see the photo immediately after taking it. weird….

i know that it is a distinct mark of how OLD i am getting but i also had a conversation on monday about the ridiculousness of the current trend towards 80’s fashion. ‘Oh good grief, can you believe that the puff ball skirt is back’ I mean that really is a crime, that had no business being around in the first place.

It just seems to be the way it is though. It gives the generation that is currently embracing the trend to think that they are pioneers and are breaking new ground. Everyone needs to feel like no-one else has been where they are. The good thing about this is the generation that did think of it first are probably, by that stage, to busy raising kids and earning money to even be up for the argument…

Anyway i just think that it is bizarre that my kids will never know a world without DVD’s, digital radio, mobile phones, computers that are weeny weeny, dishwashers (thank the LORD for them) and so much other stuff that just makes life easier to deal with. It makes me wonder what will be around when they are adults tht we cant even imagine at the moment…..

On the subject of the future. Went to see another school today. Mosspits Infants School
Actually really nice school, nice headmistress who was very friendly. Very bizarre that the receptionist asked me where Isaac was when i arrived, which i thought a bit strange, and then the Head asked me the same question. It clicked ‘AHH, they thought I would have him with me being as it his HIM going to school’
We walked up and down the halls and went into the reception class rooms. All the kids did that very cute thing of all turning round when we walked in and chorusing ‘good afternoon Mrs woosey’
Dont polite five year old kiddies make your heart melt….

Only had one slight wobbly, which i hope Mrs Woosey didnt catch on to. It was when she showed me the reception class cloakroom and said “this is the cloakroom that Isaac would use’
GULP…my little boy..having to take off his own coat, better start working on that…

Only seems like yesterday I held him in my arms as a wee little newborn, man it goes so quick, slips through your fingers and before you know it you are talking about class sizes and extra curricula activity…..

Just as a little reminder and contrast to yesterday, my wee lil man when he was very new. (lovin’ the shades)

night night…


1 Comment

  1. Emma
    May 24, 2006 / 10:33 am

    Something else Anya does now – she passes my mobile phone to me when I get a text message, and somehow she knows that for a text you don’t put your phone to your ear! How did that happen?!?
    Em x

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