dont be afraid to be an elephant….

A little story to share from two weekends ago. We went over to York for my nieces birthday. I mentioned that a few days ago with some photos. Well i think i said something about Isaac enjoying the party games.

At one point the kids where all doing musical bumps/statues etc and the clown asked the kids to pretend to be an animal when the music stopped. I was kind of at the back of the bunch with Isaac at this point and i said to him…’what animal are you going to be’ I thought he would choose a dog or a cat or tiger or something.

he thought for a minute, quite seriously, then said ‘an elephant’

Thats great i said to him, how are you going to be an elephant? and he showed me his moves etc…

Anyway the music stopped and ALL of the other kids got down on their hands and knees and made a variety of lion/tiger type noises…

except for my Isaac, stood at the back being an elephant….

Man, was i ever proud of him. You swim against the tide my son.



1 Comment

  1. m&d
    June 8, 2006 / 12:47 pm

    Anyway the music stopped and ALL of the other kids got down on their hands and knees and made a variety of lion/tiger type noises…
    except for my Isaac, stood at the back being an elephant….
    Man, was i ever proud of him. You swim against the tide my son
    Congrats – runs in the family?????? luv d

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