its no good…..

i am going to just have to mention the weather!!!

I have been trying very hard not to moan, talk too much about our weather but today it has put me a bit to the test…and not entirely on its own…a bit of a catalogue of events saw me yearning for a very cold, chilly…even, windy day.

these events were:

1. Isaac’s last day at nursery for the summer today and he could go to the party as a pirate. Isaac is not a particular fan of fancy dress. But he had said he wanted to go as a pirate so i borrowed a costume. Should have guessed there would be problems when he was standing in the bedroom minutes after me putting the pirate shorts on him..saying…’maisie wear pirate shorts?’ and taking them off. So, i managed to convince him to keep them on and then went through the same spiel with the waistcoat, hat, eye patch etc etc. so by half nine this morning I was at the point of ‘Go naked to the party for all i care’ stage. Hmph

2. Maisie has just discovered the land of independence and is trying to get into the car and her car seat by herself, slight problem…. she just aint tall enough….so i help her and then listen to the wails and screams of her insulted heart and take some very DEEP breaths.

3. Got to nursery and discovered that the buggy has a puncture. WOOHOO. So now i have to try and re plan by ever so fast shopping trip while isaac is in nursery and figure best thing to do is Poppy in baby carrier thinggy and Maisie in the single buggy.

4. So on nearly the hottest day of the year. I am charging around the shops with my 7 month old strapped to my chest, getting us both very hot and bothered and my 22 month old sitting in a single buggy crying because she cant have ‘yot yot, yah, yah’ (yoghurt raisins)

oh and thank you to the nice man who chased me round the car park to tell me that i had got Maisie out of the car and walked off leaving the back door wide open. DOH!

So we had a cranky day today. I think Isaac enjoyed being a pirate. But boy, has he got to be begging me next time he wants to do fancy dress.

Just hanging onto that last nerve……

little biddy layout i did. See i do love him really….





  1. July 19, 2006 / 12:43 am

    Glad he made it as a pirate in the end. Next time might be easier. I hope you’ve got the photos.
    Hope tomorrow’s better. See you at Stickies

  2. amber
    July 19, 2006 / 6:50 am

    Ok, for starters, I love that LO of him-fabulous! And second, I have one of those who wants to get into the car seat by herself too. And in 100 degree heat. While I just want her to get her hiney in so that I can start the car and turn on the AC. And then she screams all the way home! Ok-through complaining-LoL!

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