I am ashamed to admit this…

but as its monday as its July and still feels like frickin’ winter round here.  Here it is…

I am a Croc’s snob. 

There i said it...

and its probably not what you are thinking either 😉

I know everyone with any fashion sense AT ALL thinks that crocs are the worst case of ugly fashion there ever was. I’ve seen super yummy mummy bloggers taglines expressing their desire to get through motherhood without wearing crocs! I know, its true there is a certain, ugly, digging in the garden feel about them.

But i actually like them…*hangs head*

To add a little caveat..i do wear them myself *gasp* but rarely actually  out of the house (unless its for work) and ive stopped wearing them there for a few reasons but mostly because they seem to develop a sudden, random emergency stop mechanism at work and i frequently will be walking along a totally level and clear floor and suddenly trip over nothing apparently.  Not a great look in an intensive care area. Doesn’t really inspire confidence if your baby’s nurse can’t walk on a level floor. 

But for my kids. I really really like them. and even worse i actually only like Crocs, not copies, cheap knock off from Asda. It has to be branded crocs.  *the shame*


I do have reasons…..why i love crocs and why i will only have branded crocs.

We have a pair of little tiny baby crocs, size 4, they have been worn by 3 of my 5 kids and they are still going strong. So don’t give me the ‘well you have to get the cheapest” theory because my kids crocs always do them two summers ( yes even with foot growth!) and that balances out any clarks, doodles, cheap imitations. 

They are fast to get on, the little ones can get them off by themselves and on (sometimes). They are easy on small feet, wide or not and their feet don’t smell. They dry super fast and they last….last…last….and the copies are just not the same. We have tried imitations but they have always fallen apart.

Also (it gets worse) Im not super crazy about the ones that deviate from the traditional style of crocs. Im not looking for furry ones, ones with faces, heels, laces or anything. Just the bog standard style and ill stick with some basic primary colours and not two toned, chameleon colours.

Okay go on then you can go for maybe one Jibbit on each croc. Not five thousand, so that you are getting pressure sores on the top of your foot. Just basic.

Yes they are ugly, but they are such a great ‘does what it says on the tin’ “fit for purpose” shoe and i just love them for that. Yeh so my kids may hate me when they are older and they get all “Why the heck did you make us wear those U-G-L-Y shoes ma?” but you know what every kid has a right of passage through fashion faux pas. You think…um….the 80’s? batwing pastel jackets? puff ball skirts? yeah i rest my case. 😉

So yes i like crocs..no..i really love them. For being good to my kids feet and making my life a little bit easier at school run times. Even a 7 year old can get a pair of crocs on a wriggly toddler!  

So go on sue me. 😉






  1. July 2, 2012 / 2:10 pm

    Haha, I also like crocks (but only on the girls) wehave a firm no shoes in house rule and they are great for my monster who can put them on herself.

  2. mummylawyer
    July 2, 2012 / 4:44 pm

    I couldn’t agree with you more about how great they are for kids. They can go in the sea in them, they can wet themselves and they’re dry 2 minutes later, and even young children can put them on. They are relatively indestructible as 5yo wore a pair all last summer and they could live on (I agree cheap ones are a massive false economy). But 2yo broke the strap on hers after 6 weeks but I did get them replaced.

    • Sarah
      July 3, 2012 / 9:09 pm

      they are great for going in the sea!! especially all the pebbly beaches we have in this country!

  3. July 3, 2012 / 7:40 am

    Erm … I don’t mind crocs actually, and er, I’ve always wanted a pair, to place my grotty worn out teavas – I’m a fashion icon, me!
    older mum in a muddle recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

    • Sarah
      July 3, 2012 / 9:09 pm

      ah we older mums have to keep up with fashion y’know 🙂

  4. July 3, 2012 / 12:27 pm

    Do they actually stay on tiniest James’ feet tho ? I love them for kids, (adults i’m not so sure about ) but they don’t seem to stay on. Loved your confession btw, can’t beat a bit of blog honesty 🙂
    mamadeano recently posted…Ten on TuesdayMy Profile

    • Sarah
      July 3, 2012 / 9:10 pm

      they do stay on….and i love them for that. 🙂

      • July 4, 2012 / 3:03 pm

        my little tyke must have weird feet then. Maybe when she’s bigger…..
        mamadeano recently posted…Ten on TuesdayMy Profile

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