Failed car booters…

We are a little bit past it but now that the weather is starting to improve and it actually ‘feels’ a little like spring. In our house, at least, there is often a shift towards spring cleaning. Often this is bought on by a particularly nasty falling out with an over-filled cupboard or an hour long hunt for something that is lost in amongst a pile of random toys and books that are no longer even looked at.

Sorting stuff out is a boring task it is true but in my house, where there is not much available space it has to be done regularly. Otherwise we would disappear under a tide of clothes. Never to be seen again.

What do you do when you tidy out and sort out?

A few years ago I had the bright idea of doing a car boot sale. I priced everything up, thought i had some really good bits and booked a stall at a local boot fair. It was an early start and we had to set up and then bring the kids back as it was just too much having them there as well. We borrowed a table and some cloth (to make it pretty) and then set about our display, hanging clothes in the car and trying to give everything a fair chance.

It was a 10am-2pm type boot fair but little did we know that if you didnt rock up at least 3 hours before the start your place was going to be at the back, out of the foot fall, fighting away discarded hot dog wrappers! It was a lesson learnt but to be honest!

Right there and then we both decided that, that would be the end of our boot fair days, at least on the selling side. We don’t need that level of work and there was a lot to it for not much gain.  Plus the childcare was juggled between us and the kids got pretty bored. Never mind the fact that they trawled round the other stalls getting other junk so that it just replaced the stuff we were actually selling, which entirely defeats the object anyway!

But it is nice to recycle and make a little bit of cash from your goods that you no longer use, especially if they are things like that juicer you got given for your wedding that has never come out of the box!!!! We have done it quite a bit in our time and i think it is a really effective way of getting a bit of cash without having to endure a 6am start for a boot fair and coming home realising you may have got rid of your maternity wear but you are, in fact, coming home with 6 peppa pig books, a trike and a baby outfit!!

Thats why i was quite interested when i was sent a link for this company Musicmagpie that actually give you a valuation online of your stuff. particularly technical goods, clothing or CDs. Which in itself is a great deal, who hasnt got millions of CD’s kicking around in the loft now as we all go onto mp3. Once you have you valuation, you dont have to pay delivery costs and then the money is paid direct into your account. Seems like a great idea to me. Those extra delivery costs and queueing for half an hour with wriggly toddlers in a post office is always the hardest bit of selling online. So its a great idea to eliminate that part. Do go and check them out.


 This is a sponsored post. We are however, failed car booters


1 Comment

  1. June 2, 2013 / 11:07 pm

    We are useless at selling stuff, at a carboot I ended up selling my Disney Cars for 20p each!!! The kids still played with them – long story.

    Now we have people come and collect stuff – like clothes – it’s better than them just sitting there.
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