The big prepare. Stuck on You..a review. #schooldays

This September is the start of a big adventure for one member of our house. My 4th little one is starting on the big road to school and she is raring to go. Really. She was devastated that she didnt get to go back after her little ‘taster’ session in June and as she goes every day anyway to collect her brother and sisters it made no sense to her why she just couldn’t have a packed lunch and stay all day. S

She is really really ready for school..and she is the youngest child i will ever send to school. Her birthday is the only one that isnt in the first term of the school year. Okay so its in January which, lets face it is little more than a hop skip and a jump from that term but nevertheless. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So in getting her ready for school I jumped at the opportunity to review some products made by the company Stuck on you. They make lovely personalised products, which as all good parents know you have to label EVERYTHING ย that goes into school. Our kids go to a school where they have to wear a shirt and tie and you cannot imagine how many times I have regretted not labelling a tie when it has disappeared into a slightly musty sea of lost property!

We also ordered a lunchbag and bottle from Stuck on you and my little girl could choose her own design, she went for ‘Oui Oui’ and it is a really pretty design and i think it was chosen perhaps because of all the talk of France in this house as we are going away on holiday there later this month. There really are so many designs to choose from. Such a variety that I can’t see how your little one’s favourite thing wont be there!


You can tell that the lunchbag and bottle are really good quality. I am really impressed with the sturdiness of it. It has firm sides which give it much more of a ‘box’ feel than a squashy lunchbag. Very useful in making sure that lunch doesn’t end up pancake shaped by lunchtime! Both the bottle and the lunchbox are insulated which is especially useful when we are dealing with warm temperatures. We all know how important it is to keep little people cool. Okay so it isnt crazy hot right now but what about an indian summer? eh? Both have the identical designs and name printed clearly on them…and you get to choose the font, which I really appreciated.

Its already had a few outings and a few picnics in the garden.:)

We chose the ย 0-5 value pack for the name bands, which includes sheets of stickers than can be applied to shoes, neatly into the heel and another set of stickers that can go onto books, pencils and pen cases anything you can think of, and you need to label it all! She chose the strawberry for the labels. We spent a little time deciding which one she was going to choose. Having had 3 other kids do reception i realised pretty quickly how much the kids rely on the picture to identify their stuff. Especially when their reading and recognising their letters is not as quick as yet and so being able to see the symbol and know that it is something belonging to them is really really useful.

The sticker set included a lovely bag tag. Which is already on her school bag and awaiting use. She chose a fairy for this tag.

The stickers overall are lovely quality and easy to use. We have had some stickers on some of her doodles since we got them and they havent come off through lots of use! It is so worth naming everything at school especially i find for the younger kids as they are very quick to ‘forget’ where they put something down in the excitement of their first couple of weeks of school.

The iron-on labels come with a great easy to follow instructions and go on super fast and easy. I did all of her shirts in a few minutes! We have resorted to using marker pens in the past and they always fade and again with new school starter if they know to look for their name and symbol on their clothes then there may just be a slim chance that you will get through the whole of reception without having to dig into lost property *shudder*

Overall i really liked the quality, the colour and the options available through Stuck on you especially the lunch box and bottle. We have been through many lunch boxes..they take a real bashing at school and i think it being so much more robust can be no bad thing. Bring on September.


We were sent products from Stuck on you for purpose of review. All opinions are my own.



  1. August 7, 2013 / 11:31 pm

    Aw so sweet – she looks so keen to start. When I was three I was discovered having snuck into the school next door to listen to assembly so I know how she feels!
    Carie recently posted…Sunshine SmilesMy Profile

  2. August 9, 2013 / 9:12 pm

    I think these are brilliant Sarah, I love the shoe ones. I’m now hitting the stage of having to look at stuff like this we start nursery in Sept. I’ve looked at tons of different labelling things, but these really do look neat x
    Nichola Fabfortymum recently posted…A Blast From My Past Part4 โ€“ Summer of WordsMy Profile

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