Here comes the circus #wotsofunee

Three times in the past week…i have had conversations like this:

‘ohhhh i think i’ve seen you before…

do you walk along such and such a road at about 9am?

..ah yes i thought it was you….’

This comment is not from someone who knows me really well. So far, the dentist, the dog groomers and the practice nurse have all mentioned to me how they have seen me in the morning on the school run. Picking me out amongst the massive number of mums, dads, grandads, grannies, dogs and kids who are going to the two quite big primary schools that are very close together on the road that i walk on.

Im never really very sure what to make of it.


which actually come to think of it, someone walking past me once did actually say something very similar…I did my standard response…heh heh ha.

or is it more of a “WOW HOW AMAZING IS SHE?” sort of thing.

I think i choose B if thats alright with you 😉

To be honest i think the Dog groomers actually notice the dog really. They are really lovely guys who only need to work three or four days out of the week in their canine salon called…’doggy style’…



I mean that had to be a 3 bottles of whiskey and ‘what shall we call this new dog grooming service of ours’ moment surely!!

You don’t want to be googling that without sticking ‘dog groomers’ after it I can tell you!!

Digressing a little but there you have it. I am so glad to stick out like a sore thumb around these parts….known for the swarms of kids and animals around my feet.

Well i suppose there are worse things!!?

Wot So Funee?



  1. November 8, 2013 / 7:39 am

    Haha I get those sorts of comments enough and I only have three kids! It was definitely ‘B’ they were thinking. And your dog is officially gorgeous. Xx

  2. November 8, 2013 / 11:48 pm

    Ha, I get that, because I’m the Scottish mum with the three kids, who walks, with the stroller with the BiBi bike attachment… People stop and ask if I’m the ‘woman with the bike’… I can relate 🙂
    Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…#CountryKids – an autumn walkMy Profile

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