Moving outside of the ordinary… #magicmoments #whatsthestory



This morning I wasn’t really feeling up for a big long run. But i needed to do one, im following a program for my next half marathon and the weekend is the only time i can crank up some miles. So i needed to go. Forced myself out of bed and into running gear. It was one of those mornings where i just couldn’t be bothered.

No really, i couldnt. So much so that i decided to stick with the park route and build the miles up through circling it a few times. Something i really hate doing. Its not that it isn’t a gorgeous park, its one of the best and it is rightly so very popular with runners and exercisers at all times of the day, but i just dont like the ‘hamster on a wheel’ feeling it has.

Anyway i stuck with it because its easy, i know it and i didn’t have to work out in my head what would be a 12 miles + route.

When i got the the park it was quiet, it was still early so there were few people around. Gradually people started to appear and I found myself avidly people watching that I soon forgot just how many times I was going over the same ground. It wasn’t long before the tiredness that I was feeling in my legs had been forgotten and the little community of runners and characters there were circling this great city park on a sunny Sunday morning drew me in. 🙂

Some notable mentions go to.

1. The man who was walking with intent. Plugged into the biggest ear speakers i have seen since the 80’s. He was strutting along throwing his arms in Saturday night fever type motions. I first saw him I thought that maybe it was some  warm up routine that he was doing but then I saw him again on another lap and  he was still walking bobbing along to the beat and throwing some crazy shapes with his arms.  I love that he just kept on doing what he was doing and regardless of how many 10 K half marathon trainers went past him he just carried on walking step to the beat and doing his own thing.

2. Next there were two cyclists who I saw the entire time I was there. Every time they lapped me i noticed them. They were head to toe in cycling Lycra, and on what must’ve been very expensive racing bikes. They had those aerodynaminc helmets, their heads were down and they were sharing the slipstream with each lap.  Their speed was totally consistent and reminded me of the racers we saw in the velodrome back in 2012.  I may have even picked up a little bit of a slipstream as they went past.

3. Next up the two pensionable age ladies I would say, running in denim jeans, smart overcoats and denim jacket chiffon scarf. They were wearing trainers maybe as bit of a token gesture  but it looked like they had totally just stepped out of a cafe and decided on going for a bit of a run. I can’t imagine they got into a sweat but their complete contrast to everybody else in lycra running gear and garmin pacer watches made me smile.

4. A couple of pensioners heading off to the lake with their huge replica model tall ship sailing boats, complete with tiny skippers and white billowing sails. I wanted to photograph them really bad, like i did all the characters that i saw.

5. A large group of ‘friendly’ runners that i was unlucky enough to be going in the opposite direction to. Chattering loudly, laughing and dragging a reluctant small dog along with them. I jumped into the road and narrowly avoided getting squashed. I noticed as i went past  that the dog they had seemed to have a sign attached to its back with a harness. It looked like a reversing light..?

6. A guy, who must have been in his 60’s or maybe even 70’s. Who burned past me on one of my laps. No fancy gear, just shorts, a t shirt and a battered pair of runners. I sped up a little as he past..well you know there is a little bit of a competitor in all of us, but he was far to fast for me to keep pace with. So i settled for being incredibly in awe of someone who probably has his free bus pass being so fit and fast!

All life was there and i actually really enjoyed being part of a little community for a short time!

Just goes to show how important it is to shake things up once in a while!!





  1. Merlinda Little
    April 28, 2014 / 7:17 pm

    Belssing in disguise then? You wouldve miss all this interesting things and people! Thanks for sharing #whatsthestory

  2. April 28, 2014 / 9:23 pm

    Well done Sarah for getting yourself up and out. Huge admiration for doing so, you’re doing brilliantly. Sounds like such an interesting run and just the motivation you needed too. Hope you’re alright lovely, sounds like you’ve been super busy #whatsthestory

  3. April 28, 2014 / 9:24 pm

    Oh this sounds right up my street. Well not the running thing, I’d rather a fast pace walk or something. But I love people watching.
    It amazing how everyone sounds so different yet has that same interest in common x
    Lauren recently posted…The Temporary FriendMy Profile

  4. April 29, 2014 / 10:21 am

    I really miss running but don’t have the knees for it now. Cycling is my new thing. You enjoy your training and all respect to the older guy passing you!
    Coombemill recently posted…It’s Triplets!My Profile

  5. April 29, 2014 / 4:03 pm

    And you’d have been so annoyed with yourself if you had stayed in bed! Glad you made it out, I used to love mornings like that when I was running – just taking in small pieces of everyday life and pondering on it. Time and space are two precious gifts 🙂
    suzanne3childrenandit recently posted…A Woodland WalkMy Profile

  6. May 2, 2014 / 3:00 pm

    I love it too when i take the time to look around me at what i see in the normal everyday ..

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

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