A budget birthday #countrykids

My birthday this year was a low key one. We didnt want to spend loads and we just didnt have the time with work and the kids after school commitments to do much. On the morning of my birthday it made me laugh when my son said to me ‘why is it that when you are a grown up you get loads less presents!’ 🙂

It is hard trying to decide what to do and to find the time to do it. Having a rare weekend off we decided to head over to one of the beaches on the Wirral. It was fairly late on in the day, a day which had been really quite hot, so we thought there might be a lot of people still around but the beach was pretty much empty save for the occasional dog walker. Our idea was to find a chippy, get a couple of bags of chips and then head to the beach. We got some steaming hot chips not too far from the beach and then when we got there set up shop with all our bit and pieces.

It always amazes me how kids react to being on a beach. On the way to the beach they were all begging for us to open the chips in the car so they could have a sneaky one. But when we got to the beach, that was forgotten and all of them headed off to explore and play. Digging, making castles, running (running on a beach is SO good!) and messing around in the little pools the sea had left behind. It took us telling them that the chips would get cold for them to head back and sit down. Was always going to be hard keeping the sand out of the chips, especially as they didnt sit and eat, they grazed, hoping back for the odd chip and then off to play again. Spraying the fine sand over everything. I ate mine up fairly quick. Im not such a big fan of sandy food!

After tea, we had a game of French Cricket and rounders. The older kids really got into it and we had a few guest players in the form of our two youngest who were mostly far too busy making a huge shell collection. It was fun. A moment of enjoying family time without worrying about anything else. Pretty perfect to me.


We packed up and headed home trying to not think about all the sand that was seeping into the upholstery in the car! The kids had a shower then finished off with a bowl of cereal before it was nearly time for bed.

It may not have been the most elaborate birthday ever but i loved it. xx




  1. June 30, 2014 / 8:34 am

    Beach trips are so simple, but yet so lovely aren’t they ? I go to the beach for my birthday most years, in December. Just love how being there brings peace and a teensy bit of wonder at creation ! Happy Birthday Sarah, hope this next year is an exciting one for you xx
    Hannah recently posted…A catch up and a few Thinkings.My Profile

  2. July 7, 2014 / 9:35 pm

    It sounds like a perfect birthday to me! Family, beach, fun, sunshine and food – what else do you need?! Thanks for linking up and sharing your special day with Country Kids.
    Coombe Mill – Fiona recently posted…Fairy GardensMy Profile

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