Snot and Jack Daniels #wotsofunee

I endeavour to be have a ‘i don’t care much’ attitude in general to what people may think. When you have five children and can have a look of the travelling circus about you this will happen fairly swiftly. No matter how many ‘ARE THEY ALL YOURS?” comments i get, I am now skilfully proficient at side swiping that negative and brushing it off like dust from my shoulder.

But there are the occasional times and particular children that can bring even me to a standstill.

The other week for example. Me and my one remaining pre-schooler rushing through a supermarket, I am always rushing. I’m sure my daughter would tell you that i am constantly pestering her to go faster, hurry up, come on, quickly  now, say bye bye to the doggy now..type of way.

I was rushing.

I stopped to let her catch up with me and look at some of the half off items…on catching up with me she exclaims at the top of her now very indignant and irritated voice:


Me an experienced mummy of five…nah thats not going to be embarrassing me..Even though, now there were at least two other people in the DVD aisles looking at her.

No. not me. 🙂

Then she does something that I can safely and comfortably say she has never learnt from me *stares at husband*

and lifts her entire dress (which has netting!!), showing her knickers and her belly and BLOWS her nose on the skirt!!

I gasp in horror,  do a quick half-hearted eye -roll ‘kids huh?’ to the now very surprised looking on-lookers. One of whom is an elderly lady who looks like her eyebrows may have become one with her hairline.

Grabbing her (my daughter that is not the elderly lady) and navigating her away from my audience. I try to hide in the veggie aisle and start hyperventilating into a brown bag.

Normality recovered we carry on around the store and just as we are finishing and heading towards the tills. I notice the same old lady again. Wanting to acknowledge her a little in a shared ‘we’ve all been there’ sort of communicae, I was just about to give her a smile when my daughter wonders over to the shelves and picks up the biggest bottle of Jack Daniels (complete with security tag) and yells at the top of her voice.


I think i died a little right there.

small kid: 1 Mummy: 0

 for the record i don’t actually drink whiskey and never have!! 

Wot So Funee?



  1. October 18, 2013 / 2:29 am

    Oh, good grief! I’m trying very hard not to laugh out loud, but this is hysterical! I feel your pain 🙂 That’s the best example of the joys of motherhood I’ve heard in a long time! Bless her… 🙂
    Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…Autumn activities: Halloween is coming!My Profile

  2. Hannah Deane
    October 18, 2013 / 5:19 am

    Love it ! Go little lady 🙂

  3. Tom Briggs
    October 18, 2013 / 12:28 pm

    Ha! Brilliant! My older son has done the same thing with a bottle of wine; it looked good so we bought it and, you know what? He picked a nice one!

  4. mob
    October 19, 2013 / 3:43 am

    Delightful, gorgeous photo.

  5. Anonymous
    October 19, 2013 / 6:17 am

    Fantastic. Middle man likes to tell people that I like wine and it makes me happy. Which is true but paints a slightly AA requiring picture of me!

  6. Sarah Miles
    October 19, 2013 / 7:57 am

    Just the title made me giggle…then the post – priceless! *wipes away tears of mirth*

  7. Actually Mummy
    October 20, 2013 / 10:05 am

    Snigger. And yes, we have all been there – I bet even she can remember her offspring embarrassing her in the gin parlour 😉

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