24 hour day?


My cousin emailed me yesterday, asking me how i had the time to do a weblog? She said how is it that mummy’s to three kiddies seem to have more time than mummy’s to one baby?
I have been thinking about that today and have put the question to a few of my friends…to be honest there was part of me that was ready with an answer like…
‘just very organised’
but im not sure that, that is it. I mean there are no more hours in a day here in the UK than there are in New Zealand, where my cousin currently lives? A flippant remark like ‘oh just better practised’ seems a bit vague.

When i had one child I dont remember being particularly inefficient with my daily life. So here i am pondering this question and wondering if the actual truth of it is that when you have one child you end up playing with and interacting with your child more than when you have three?

Not a thought that im particularly comfortable with. But on reflection whilst it is true that my first got the best and most of my time, I mean i took him to those baby swim classes that would now be impossible with all my little ducks. I think that sometimes the hot glare of a parent’s sole attention has got to get a bit much for a kid and i think he is a better little chap because of his sisters than he would be without.

Or perhaps is it that by the time you have had three children you have made friends with toddler TV programmes, hands up who knows all the words to Bob the builder. Maybe giving up the idea that TV will corrupt your kids if they so much as watch it and in fact embracing the idea that TV gives you a much needed bit of time to just do lots of stuff…..

Maybe its all about adapting to a new role. When you first have kids it is such a massive ‘hit by a truck’ situation. Your life changes for ever, you are no longer number one and you sacrifice the spontaneous somewhat (actually maybe that should be completely!).
I think that emotional shift actually slows you down a bit from a point of view of organisation of your day, time, whatever. As it should do as far as im concerned. You only get that time of being a brand new parent once, why rush?

But then if and when you do have any other kids that does not happen again so i guess you just have to adapt another person into a schedule that already revolves kiddy type stuff…easy…

So on reflection i think it is all about confidence in your ability to do this enourmous task of being parents. I dont mean that in a ‘we have all got the right answers’ kind of way. Just that you can
make it through your days knowing and believing that your children will probably survive your parenting skills intact even if you do make some monumental tooth sucking, head shaking mistakes. That a bit of TV never hurt anyone and actually will give you a bit of space to maintain your sanity. That kids who dont eat vegetables for years actually turn out okay and not under nourished, pale, weak boned wall flowers and lastly that you learn to listen politely to those lovely well meaning health professionals, nodding with feeling in all the right places and then go away and do what works for you and your kid……and not worry about it.


anyway changing the subject is it me or does wednesday seem all at odds with itself without the apprentice??? Miind you i didnt really like the two finalists last week and wasnt it odd to see Sir Alan being all nicey nicey about michelle in the after show bit. Didnt really sit with my image of the ‘i can tell you this as sure as i have a whole in my …..’ type of guy. But anyway it will be back next year i imagine and until then there is always ER?


1 Comment

  1. emma
    May 21, 2006 / 8:20 pm

    Do you know you are a fantastic writer? I love reading your blog! Thanks for the priviledge! Em x

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