whats with the whys?

hi again from not so sunny, in fact down right rainy liverpool.

I have discovered a new thing with Isaac, the word why? Oh boy does it appear A LOT in our conversations. The other day i said to him ‘look, isaac there’s a train’
Why? he said…..

what are you supposed to say in response to a question like that, can i actually answer it anyway even if there was an answer…. which i guess there is really. I mean it starts to get into the ‘is it really there, or is my mind just telling me there is a train there when actually there might not be…..’
I think we have some interesting and puzzling times ahead. He has just started to do this and my husband finds it all so great and loves answering his question from a scientific point of view…as in ‘why daddy, is it raining..’

‘well, isaac, there is a metaphysical change in the weather system that …etc etc…..’

whereas i think all isaac wants to hear and certainly all that he gets from me is ‘there is too much water in the clouds and it had to come out’

Mind you, you cant help but be impressed as such an enquiring mind. The fact that he needs to know why it is raining and where the sun has gone is such a contrast to us who just moan about the fact that it is raining and how awful the weather is..blah blah.

It has got to be good to see the extraordinary in the ordinary….

Still on Isaac, the other day i was making a cake for a very good buddy of mine and I had iced it on a plate which i had left on the kitchen counter. I had given the cake to my friend but what remained was a rim of icing on the plate. Isaac walked in to the kitchen before me and by the time i walked in i found him reaching up to lick the icing off the plate……
I had an idea, all morning i had been trying to capture a photo of him doing thumbs up. He wouldnt keep still and so all the pics where useless. Then i said to him ‘if you let me take a picture of thumbs up you can have some of the icing’
You can see for yourself the result!!! and YES that IS his interpretation of thumbs up….dont tell him, i think its just really cute.
I even got a few lovely, if a little forced, smiles. Definately one for the scrapbook.

and AH HA…i know his weakness…



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