Its my birthday…..

Yes today is my birthday and im turning 35…there i said it, wasnt too painful… :0)

Actually you know what I am cool with being 35, and im not just saying that, I am really. I was thinking the other day when i was listening to that song by sandi thom (i wish i was a punk rocker..). a lyric in it that says ‘I was born too late, into a world that doesnt care’
That actually I wouldnt have rather been born at another time, I wouldnt rather be older or younger that I am now. Its all good. I like where I am in my life now, actually that sounds a bit limp. I LOVE IT.

I am having a blast enjoying my three very unexpected (well two of them) babies and being married to a very funky fella who makes me smile inside and reminds me continually that there are still some people who strive for integrity. Yep, some of the lines appearing and the odd gray hair here and there might not be the most amazing thing about hitting mid thirty but when compared to what i have got, its not even worth a thought….

so here is a little list that I picked off another blog and thought it was pretty cool thing to do for your birthday. so here we are.

I AM……Sarah, a wifey, a mummy of three, proud to be a neonatal nurse, a member of Frontline church, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a scrapbooker, a wanna be writer and a lover of life

I WANT…..a holiday, a garden, more space, some scrapbook storage, adobe photoshop, a Chrysler Voyager Grande ( bit of a pipe dream methinks!!)…actually although i could no doubt come up with a long old list I dont have a great load of wants really…but there’s always some space for scrapbook stuff, right hebe? ;0)

I HAVE….the most awesome family, a wonderful husband, three superb, gorgeous kids. A wonderful little house in Liverpool that we squeeze into, a fantastic and supportive church who help me grow in my walk with God, even though sometimes its a stumble, some big dreams ahead of us….

I WISH….there where more hours in the day(who doesn’t?), that teacher’s didnt work so hard for so little and ditto that for nurses, for an end to the need for things like the NSPCC, for a more disciplined life in certain areas, for community to return and for my children to be safe.

I HATE…..DOG POO ( or at least when it is left on the street, which is A LOT round here!!)…aggghhh just don’t get me started…..i can’t bear the mindless, selfish people that let the dogs foul in places where kids are playing and don’t do anything about it………. there I have said my bit.

I MISS… Mum and Dad, a truly amazing family that I love loads that live down south on a very steep hill at number 30, you know who you are, holidays, going to shops and taking my time to browse and sleep.

I HEAR….my kids talking, learning to talk, gurgling, shouting, crying, laughing and playing. Itunes playing on the computer, a bit of radio 2, well I am now 35 you know. Ben talking to himself, does it all the time ‘just thinking out loud’ he says.

I WONDER….what it will be like to see Jesus, if we will go to Canada, what my kids will be like as adults or even school kids for that matter, how to get Isaac to eat anything with a sauce.

I REGRET….nothing I havent already been forgiven for.

I AM NOT…scared of standing in the gap for my family and striving to fulfil my purpose.

I DANCE…..with my fabulous kids, usually to boogie beebies.

I SING….a lot of nursery rhymes, in worship, to the radio, when I’m scrapbooking, in the gym, whatever, wherever there is a bit of music.

I CRY……out of frustration, tiredness and feelings of inadequacy and also cried my eyes out watching The Passion. I also feel like crying at the thought of going to Ikea with all three of my children….

I AM NOT ALWAYS…… the right frame of mind, patient when I need to be.

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS……meals for my family, scrapbook pages, fairy cakes

I WRITE……here in my blog, in my journal, on notepads, bits of paper, emails, letters, somewhere, anywhere I can write.

I CONFUSE…myself…LOL…with my over analysing

I NEED… pray, to be with my family, those near and far, hang out with my buddies, some alone time now and again, cuddles from my babies.

I SHOULD… more fish….yeah, right NEVER going to happen, sorry ben :0)

I START……working on blog posts and scrapbook pages far too late in the evening and end up not getting enough sleep, reading books in bed only to fall asleep, watching TV only to realise that an hour has gone by.

I FINISH……content, really, in this bit of my life. There are things that I would love to improve and change about myself overall, like i said, its all good, the ups and downs all shape me into a better person. So I am happy to be 35 and looking foward to whats ahead…bring it on….

Well i cant end a post without a few things to upload, a picture, a layout and an mp3 that ben did for my birthday with the kids, we did it yesterday for them, ben is at work today and mornings and evenings are so hectic, they are all on here, even Poppy but my fav is Maisie’s opera stylie…check it out…



and a picture of one of my most favourite days in the last 35 years….


1 Comment

  1. June 12, 2006 / 12:32 am

    Haven’t seen your wedding photos before – you look gorgeous! Love the list – found the other website earlier so recognise it. Always room for more stash yes and as you can tell by the time of this comment, I also start blogging and blog surfing way too late and I’ve got four kids to be up, dressed and three off to school by 8.40am.
    Have a great birthday Sarah, Have a nice Starbucks with Poppy and i’ll see you in the evening, love Hebe

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