What is your stress-o-meter score?

Do you have a stress-o-meter? I do. Generally it is up there verging on maximum/off the scale measurements. I think i mentioned this recently, what with one thing and another it has been a particularly draining and stressful start to the year and i find that my stress-o-meter starting point is a lot higher than it used to be. So going from asleep to waking up my stress-o-meter is already probably above a 5. It doesn’t leave much room to manoeuver before you are at full tilt. Seems to effect everything lately. I know that many of us mums are dealing with trying to keep the stress-o-meter down in the lower numbers..so i googled top tips for dealing with stress:

1. Be Active – I have got more active recently, it costs me a little, as i get less sleep. I have to get u before everybody else to have time to be active as i don’t get any other time. It does really make a difference though. Reduces the intensity a bit of whatever you are feeling…

2. Take Control – Sometimes it can be all overwhelming and the best thing i can think of to do is tea and cake (dont get me wrong i think these should feature highly as well!). But sometimes sitting making a plan, a list can help me to see the wood for the trees. Sometimes making a list can actually make the problem seem much more manageable.

3. Talk, talk... – we all know that a problem shared, is a problem halved. Sometimes friends can help with our problems and sometimes its just a ear to listen and be a sounding board. Doesn’t have to be in real life either. Look at the people connecting through twitter and fb…there are folk out there going through the same. Talking it out just helps.

4. Have some ‘me’ time. – Something we all struggle with. I always say that doing anything by myself is ‘me’ time as i am so rarely on my own. Even if its standing in a queue by myself. Oh the joys of not going to a supermarket with children…b-l-i-s-s. We all need a break..sometimes that is REALLY hard to do…


5. Challenge yourself – This is an interesting one because i guess it leads on from the one above and having time for yourself. I found a quote that says: “By continuing to learn, you become more emotionally resilient as a person. It arms you with knowledge and makes you want to do things rather than be passive.” Hmmmm…i get that without change there is no growth and we all need to grow…but maybe its a stage of life thing and actually embarking on a evening course when you are wrung out in every other area might not be the best.

6. Avoid unhealthy habits – i think this is more like things that you are relying on as a way of coping rather than eating too much chocolate… *runs to hide mega pack of mars bars and box of wine*

7. Do volunteer work – again i think this is a time thing BUT seeing other people’s struggles and maybe helping out does give an incredible amount of perspective. On a small level its a little RAOK..random act of kindness that can make your someone’s day and leave you feeling pretty chuffed with yourself.

8. Be positive – are you a half empty or half full kind of person. I think i go between the two sometimes. In the article i read i liked this quote “By making a conscious effort you can train yourself to be more positive about life. Problems are often a question of perspective. If you change your perspective, you may see your situation from a more positive point of view.”

9. Work smarter, not harder – being organised, prioritising what is important..which is always pretty hard with kids as isnt their need the one THAT REALLYS NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION RIGHT NOW MUM!

10. Accept the things you can’t change – this is the tough one for me, sometimes there is just nothing you can do. This is tough with the kids because if they have a problem I want to sort it for them and in some cases there is little i can do and they need to work it out themselves. But fighting a situation you can’t change is just going to exhaust you and in the end can make no difference to the outcome. Hard to do.

i think its a lot to do with personal capacity as well, what would total freak one person out would be far more tolerable to another. I guess the key is knowing what your capacity is, being okay with it and when you are getting near to the limit finding a way to let of some of the steam…in whatever way works for you.

Is there one thing you can change about the way you run your week this week. Maybe give yourself some time, or do a RAOK?

Fancy a little bit of pampering. My giveaway this week is a spa treatment voucher. Perfect if you need to tick that ‘me’ time box. Just fill in your details below. Have a good week!



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Motivational Monday



  1. Sarah Miles
    February 11, 2013 / 8:50 pm

    Some good points here….I am endeavouring to initiate some life changes/habits and it’s not easy, but I hope the results will prove worth it.

    FAR more grumpy since giving up wine in the week…nothing to take the edge off the day 🙁 leaves me…well…edgy!

    Sarah Miles recently posted…Crappy New YearMy Profile

  2. February 11, 2013 / 9:27 pm

    Some REALLY good points here, I must say. I get overwhelmed and things get on top of me- my stress o meter must be off the scale! It’s amazing what a wee bit of me time can do though!

  3. Aida Leal
    February 12, 2013 / 8:54 am

    oh to have time for myself. Still haven’t done my motivational monday post and it is Tuesday already. Spa? pampering? right up my street!

  4. February 12, 2013 / 10:31 am

    Great tips…..Love the one about stress being so personal for different people, some things I find SO stressful others don’t phase me at all.

  5. kathleen hooper
    February 14, 2013 / 9:25 pm

    some great tips here, thank you

  6. February 16, 2013 / 12:14 am

    Am I able to enter this btw lol

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