The school run #countrykids

Getting out and about isnt always doable in my week. As in, going for a walk in the park or woods, especially when the weather has been so lousy in the day. The little non school goer and me have been baking and doing play dough and lots of other indoor type things this week that i did wonder with the ‘outdoor’ theme of country kids what i could actually do for this week.

When it dawned on me that i actually do go outside every day and that is on the school run. We are lucky enough to be able to walk to school. Its not too long a walk but it is enough to catch up a little or just notice the seasons changing. It can be quite noisy sometimes (its along a busy road) and it has taken the kids a while to realise that if they don’t talk to me and look at me at the same time their voice can get taken away on the wind.

Recently we walked the morning of all the windy weather and the kids were super excited and chatty about what the weather was up to. Noticing the trees and branches strewn everywhere and of course the wheelie bins 😉 Not forgetting that joy of being a kid and feeling a little bit ‘taken along’ by the wind. Sometimes the weather can really make or break it. We have been caught in some incredible rain storms that have left us sheltering in a bus stop and giggling about how wet we were. 😉

After the stress that can be actually just getting out the door its nice to have a good few minutes or so to have some reasonable and calm conversation with the older kids!

The way home is often more relaxed and the kids chat about their days to me or sometimes we have to try and sort out an upset or a incident that happened at school that they must tell me about. One incident with one of the kids recently actually made me tell the other kids that they had to give me a few minutes without interrupting so that I could get to the end of the story. Finishing a sentence can be a bit of a challenge! Its loud in our family!

Sometimes i think to snap a couple of pictures. Its not really the time for trecking along the DLSR but the camera phone works well and the best camera is the one you have with you…as always.


mummy mishapsCountry Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall



  1. December 14, 2013 / 12:20 am

    I’m the same. I forget that as we walk to school, I really should count that as time outside. Love walking along our little lane and seeing it change with the seasons. How I wish we had a pavement like your walk. #CountryKids
    Cheryl recently posted…Not coldMy Profile

  2. December 14, 2013 / 1:05 am

    I never believe anyone who says they haven’t been out, it usually just means not doing something super exciting, however this post just proves there are moments to treasure from a simple journey to school. Chatting about their day and the seasons around you must be so much nicer in the fresh air than trying to drive a car too. I love to walk to school, but sadly at 2.5 miles it is a summertime treat only for us. Thanks for thinking out of the box and linking up to Country Kids.
    Coombemill recently posted…Country Kids from Coombe MillMy Profile

  3. December 14, 2013 / 6:49 am

    Our “out” has looked a bit like this this week too. We’ve been doing a lot of rushing around. I love the pic with the Beano reading. He looks very engrossed!
    Notmyyearoff recently posted…Little MeetingsMy Profile

  4. December 14, 2013 / 8:22 am

    I love our school walk too – takes us through a park and then down an alleyway. At this time of year there are leaves all the way to kick through – great fun!

  5. December 14, 2013 / 8:35 am

    I was quite shocked to discover here in the US that everyone goes everywhere by car unless they live in a metropolis. Last school year I think I was almost viewed as the nutter as everyday I walked and the kids scooted back and forth to school…whether it rained or bucketed or snowed or sun shone. So walking to school is definitely a time to appreciate being outdoors with the kids.
    Kriss MacDonald recently posted…The Pony ride that didn’t happen but ended in a bumpMy Profile

  6. December 14, 2013 / 10:58 am

    I always appreciated that we could walk to school when the children were are Primary. It meant some time to chat and give my attention solely to them as we discussed endless topics. So special!
    Now mine are both at Secondary, they catch a bus at 7.45 am and leave me at home in my pj’s and I really miss that time together.

  7. December 14, 2013 / 6:32 pm

    We walk to and from school every day too – and like Kriss, a lot of people think I’m a bit mad walking in all weather! It has to be really bad for me to take the car 🙂 I prefer the walk home too, no rushing! Love the Beano photo x
    Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…#CountryKids – a frozen lakeMy Profile

  8. December 15, 2013 / 10:40 pm

    i wish i could walk the school run but alas it is too far. However, we still manage to climb trees and run and throw leaves once we walk from the carpark to the school building! Your walk looks fun and how clever is your son managing to walk and read his Beano comic too?!
    thank you for linking up Sarah x x
    jenny paulin recently posted…Autumn Leaves, A Balance Bike, The Playground & Tree ClimbingMy Profile

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